Basic Architecture of Systems

Build on the technical fundamentals of the TPM interview.

The strength of a structure depends on its foundation, so it is very critical to understand the basics very well. This lesson will help us understand how the client communicates with the server. Also, it will explain other fundamental elements of any system, like TCP, IP, HTTP, Cache, etc.

Many types of architecture are used to build systems. The most common ones are peer-to-peer and client-server architecture. The difference between the two architectures is that peer-to-peer focus on network sharing. Meanwhile, the client-server focuses on information sharing, where the central server stores the data. Let us understand them in detail and see how they are used in designing systems.

Client-server architecture

Client-server architecture is a critical part of system design that gets used in a lot of the systems. The internet is a good example of client-server architecture. All computers talk to each other through a client-server architecture.

Now, let’s understand how it works.

The client requests some data and the server gets the appropriate response for it. In other ...