

What to Look for in an Ideal PM

What to Look for in an Ideal PM

Look at the details of attributes of Successful (T)PM and practice it yourself.

Traits of Successful PM

A successful (T)PM has:

  • A “get stuff done” attitude for all the tasks.
  • A thick-skin and can take a stance on the decisions.
  • Strong organizational skills, including the ability to balance different tasks and manage them well.
  • An open-mind, so that learning and growth are fast.
  • A willingness to take any challenge which is needed to solve for the success of the program.
  • Strong communication skills.
  • A drive to make tools more efficient and cut down the manual work.
  • The ability to think ahead. Also, it is critical to think about how to increase the productivity of individual thought automation and cut some toil.
  • The skills to write in-depth documentation. One of the key traits of good program managers is that they document everything from the project plan, roadmap, milestones, to charter, etc. They make sure everything is accessible from one place so that it