

Solution: Find the Floor and Ceil of a Number

Solution: Find the Floor and Ceil of a Number

This review discusses the solution for finding the floor and ceil value of a given number from a sorted array.

We'll cover the following...


We can make use of the fact that the array is sorted. So, by a little modification of the binary search algorithm, we can successfully crack this problem. The core idea remains the same: we divide the array at the midpoint and search for the key either in left or right subarray based on the comparison with a given number.

Here is the complete working solution:

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class FloorCeiling {
public static int findFloor(int[] arr, int x) // Function to find floor of x in a sorted array arr[]
int left = 0, right = arr.length - 1;
int floor = -1; // initialize floor to -1, if -1 is returned as it is, then floor does not exist!
while (left <= right) {
int mid = (left + right) / 2; // find the middle value
if (arr[mid] == x) // if x is equal to mid element, it is the floor value
return arr[mid];
else if (x < arr[mid]) // if x is less than the mid element, floor exists in the left subArr[left...mid-1]
right = mid - 1;
else // if x is more than the mid element, floor exists in the right subArr[mid...right].
floor = arr[mid];
left = mid + 1;
return floor;
public static int findCeiling(int[] arr, int x) // Function to find ceiling of input x in a sorted array
int left = 0, right = arr.length - 1;
int ceil = -1; // initialize ceiling value to -1, if -1 is returned as it is, then ceil doesnot exit!
while (left <= right) {
int mid = (left + right) / 2; // find the middle value
if (arr[mid] == x) // if x is equal to middle element, it is the ceiling
return arr[mid];
else if (x < arr[mid]) // if x is less than the mid element, ceil exists in the left subArray[left...mid-1]
ceil = arr[mid];
right = mid - 1;
} else // if x is more than the mid element, ceil exists in the right subArr[mid...right]
left = mid + 1;
return ceil;
// wraper function to call both Floor and Ceiling Functions and then store the output in the `output` array
public static void findFloorCeiling(int[] input, int x, int[] output) {
output[0] = findFloor(input, x);
output[1] = findCeiling(input, x);
class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] inputs = {1, 2, 3, 5, 7};
int[] output = new int[2];
FloorCeiling.findFloorCeiling(inputs, 4, output);
System.out.println("Floor and Ceil of 4 is: " + Arrays.toString(output));


Let’s take you to the step-by-step code break down to gain a better understanding of the solution:

  • Line 44 - 48: The wrapper function explicitly calls findFloor(input, x) and findCeiling(input, x), respectively, and stores the result in the array called output.

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