Solution: Number of Nodes in a Given Graph Level
This review provides a detailed analysis of the different ways to calculate the number of nodes in an undirected graph level.
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class CountNodes {public static int numberOfNodesInGivenLevel(Graph g, int source, int level) {int count = 0;int num_of_vertices = g.getVertices();// Integer array to hold the history of visited nodes (by default - false)// Make a node visited whenever you add it into the queueint visited[] = new int[num_of_vertices];// Create a linkedlist array called QueueLinkedList<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();// Mark the visited nodes as true by setting value to 1 and add them to the queuevisited[source] = 1;queue.add(source);// Traverse while the queue is not emptywhile (queue.size() != 0) {// Poll the vertex/node from queuesource = queue.poll();// Get adjacent vertices to the current node from the listLinkedList<Integer> Llist[];Llist = g.getAdj();Iterator<Integer> i = Llist[source].listIterator();while (i.hasNext()) {int temp =;// If not already visited, add to the queueif (visited[temp] == 0) {visited[temp] = visited[source] + 1;if (visited[temp] < level) {queue.add(temp);}}}}// Calculate the count for the levelfor (int i = 0; i < num_of_vertices; i++) {if (visited[i] == level) {count++;}}return count;}}class Main {public static void main(String args[]) {Graph g = new Graph(6);g.addEdge(0, 1);g.addEdge(0, 2);g.addEdge(1, 3);g.addEdge(2, 3);g.addEdge(3, 5);g.addEdge(2, 4);int answer;answer = CountNodes.numberOfNodesInGivenLevel(g, 0, 1);System.out.println(answer);answer = CountNodes.numberOfNodesInGivenLevel(g, 0, 2);System.out.println(answer);answer = CountNodes.numberOfNodesInGivenLevel(g, 0, 3);System.out.println(answer);answer = CountNodes.numberOfNodesInGivenLevel(g, 0, 4);System.out.println(answer);}}
The solution above modifies the visited
array to store the level of each node. Later, it counts the nodes with the same level ( ...
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