Solution: Implement Depth-First Search
This review provides a detailed analysis to solve the implement the depth-first search challenge.
We'll cover the following...
Solution: Using stacks
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class CheckDFS {public static String dfs(Graph g){String result = "";//Checking if the graph has no verticesif (g.vertices < 1){return result;}//Boolean Array to hold the history of visited nodes (by default-false)boolean[] visited = new boolean[g.vertices];for(int i=0; i<g.vertices; i++){//Checking whether the node is visited or notif(!visited[i]){result = result + dfsVisit(g, i, visited);}}return result;}public static String dfsVisit(Graph g, int source, boolean[] visited) {String result = "";//Create Stack(Implemented in previous lesson) for Depth First Traversal and Push source in itStack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>(g.vertices);stack.push(source);//Traverse while stack is not emptywhile (!stack.isEmpty()) {//Pop a vertex/node from stack and add it to the resultint current_node = stack.pop();result += String.valueOf(current_node);//Get adjacent vertices to the current_node from the array,//and if they are not already visited then push them in the stackDoublyLinkedList<Integer>.Node temp = null;if(g.adjacencyList[current_node] !=null)temp = g.adjacencyList[current_node].headNode;while (temp != null) {if (!visited[]) {stack.push(;}temp = temp.nextNode;}//Visit the nodevisited[current_node] = true;}//end of whilereturn result;}public static void main(String args[]) {Graph g = new Graph(5);g.addEdge(0,1);g.addEdge(0,2);g.addEdge(1,3);g.addEdge(1,4);System.out.println("Graph1:");g.printGraph();System.out.println("DFS traversal of Graph1 : " + dfs(g));System.out.println();Graph g2 = new Graph(5);g2.addEdge(0,1);g2.addEdge(0,4);g2.addEdge(1,2);g2.addEdge(4,3);System.out.println("Graph2:");g2.printGraph();System.out.println("DFS traversal of Graph2 : " + dfs(g2));}}