

Connect to the Environment

Connect to the Environment

Connect to the deployed Linux and Windows hosts environment using Ansible.

Ansible is an agentless configuration management tool. Instead of relying on an installed agent, it uses remote management protocols to communicate with remote hosts.

Ansible uses SSH to connect to Linux hosts and network devices, and WinRM to connect to Windows.

Host connection options

The following are options available to connect to Linux and Windows hosts:


  1. SSH keys over SSH(22)
  2. Username & password over SSH (22)


  1. WinRM over HTTPS (5986)
  2. WinRM over HTTP (5985)

Windows authentication options

You can authenticate with Windows hosts using the following methods:

Option Local Accounts Active Directory Accounts Credential Delegation HTTP Encryption
Basic Yes No No No
Certificate Yes No No No
Kerberos No Yes Yes Yes