

Playbooks against Remote Hosts

Playbooks against Remote Hosts

Connect to remote Linux and Windows hosts using Ansible playbooks.

Let’s look at how you can codify the ad-hoc command to connect to the Linux instance or virtual machine.

Connect to remote Linux host

You will learn how to convert the following ad-hoc command to an Ansible playbook:

Press + to interact
ansible all -i <Public Ip Address>, -m ping \
-e "ansible_user=ansible ansible_password=<Password> ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'"

Create the playbook

Create the playbook in these steps:

  1. Create a ping.yml file.
  2. Add the hosts line to use the host pattern of all.
Press + to interact
- hosts: all
  1. Create a vars list and define the connection variables. Replace <Password> with your password.
Press + to interact
ansible_user: ansible
ansible_password: <Password>
ansible_ssh_common_args: '-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'

Defining the variables in the playbooks ...