Deploy to Azure

Deploy an Ansible development environment to Azure.

Ansible environment

The Ansible development environment in Azure will comprise the following:

  • Windows Server 2019 virtual machine
  • Linux virtual machine running CentOS

Each virtual machine in Azure requires several Azure resources, and each of these resources is managed by different Ansible Modules.

Ansible Modules

The following are the required Azure resources and the corresponding Ansible Modules:

Azure Resource Azure Module
Resource Group azure_rm_resourcegroup
Virtual Network azure_rm_virtualnetwork
Subnet azure_rm_subnet
Public IP Address azure_rm_publicipaddress
Network Security Group azure_rm_securitygroup
Network Interface Card azure_rm_networkinterface
Custom Script Extension azure_rm_virtualmachineextension
Virtual Machine azure_rm_virtualmachine

Ansible codifies your infrastructure in YAML files called Ansible playbooks. You will use pre-written Ansible playbooks to deploy the Ansible development environment to Azure.

Resource Dependency
Several of the Azure resources depend on other resources. These dependencies mean that you have to run the playbooks in the right order.

Let’s start exploring the playbooks we will cover in this lesson one by one.

Create a resource group

First, you need to create a resource group. Review the playbook below:

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