HomeCoursesAnsible: Zero to Production Ready



Ansible: Zero to Production Ready
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Gain insights into Ansible for software provisioning, configuration management, and deployment. Learn about setting up environments, connecting to cloud providers, and automating processes with practical scenarios.
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Course Overview

Ansible is one of the leading tools for software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. In this course, you will learn the ins and outs of Ansible with the goal of managing and automating your infrastructure and code’s deployment. You will learn how to set up a docker environment, connect with cloud providers like AWS and Azure, manage infrastructure on AWS and Azure using Ansible, and lastly how to automate configuration and state management processes. Throughout each section,...Show More
Ansible is one of the leading tools for software provisioning, configuration management, and application deployment. In this cou...Show More


Start as a beginner, leave production-ready.
Build a container-centric Ansible development environment.
Crawl, walk, run, sprint your way through learning Ansible
Start by running ad-hoc commands and by the end you’ll be deploying Ansible with commits and pull requests!
Start as a beginner, leave production-ready.

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Course Content


Getting Started

2 Lessons

Get familiar with Ansible basics, setup environments, and manage infrastructure automation.


Ansible Development with Containers

4 Lessons

Get started with Ansible container development using Docker for a flexible, consistent environment.


Connect to the Cloud

4 Lessons

Examine connecting Ansible to AWS and Azure, emphasizing environment variables and essential packages.


Starting at the Source

4 Lessons

Break down the steps to use Git for effective source control and collaboration.


Getting Started with Ad-Hoc Commands and Playbooks

4 Lessons

Map out the steps for using ad-hoc commands and creating Ansible playbooks effectively.


Deploy an Ansible Development Environment

5 Lessons

Follow the process of deploying an Ansible dev environment on AWS and Azure.


Putting the Ansible Environment to Work

6 Lessons

Practice using Ansible for managing Linux and Windows, deploying web servers, and handling permissions.


Build Reusable Configurations

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of building reusable configurations with Ansible roles and site playbooks.


Dynamic Inventories for Scaling

7 Lessons

Work your way through dynamic inventories in Ansible for managing scaling infrastructure.


Build a CI \ CD pipeline for Ansible with Github Actions

7 Lessons

Break down complex ideas on automating Ansible CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions.



2 Lessons

Take a closer look at Ansible directory layouts and future learning directions in DevOps.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

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