It's a Wrap!

And that's a wrap! We hope you had fun taking this course!

We'll cover the following...

Congratulations on completing this course! Give yourself a pat on the back for having made it successfully to the end.

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We hope that this course has helped you become proficient in the basics of programming and logic building. You are now set to take on any of the other programming courses available on our platform.

You may choose to sharpen your algorithm analysis and design skills or improve your object-oriented design skills to position yourself for a role with greater technical responsibilities. Whatever you choose to do, remember that hands-on preparation is the best way to learn programming, and Educative is here to help every step of the way! Happy learning!


Thank you for taking this course! We hope that it was a good learning experience for you. Your feedback, comments, concerns, and questions are always welcome. Leave a comment in the community forum.

We look forward to hearing from you!

— Team Educative