Search via Sliding Window in 2-D Array
Understand the searching technique using sliding windows and its use cases in 2-D arrays.
We'll cover the following...
In this lesson, we will explore the phenomenon of traversing in two-dimensional (2D) arrays via a certain fixed-size 2-D window.
We will explore both mutually exclusive and inclusive traversals.
Sliding window traversal
First, let us look at the following animations to understand how the sliding window traversal works in a 2-D array.
- Example 1: Sliding window with stride and window size .
- Example 2: Sliding window with stride and window size .
Take a moment to make sure you’ve correctly understood the problem. Take the quiz below to reinforce what you’ve learned about the concept above:
The total number of sliding windows
How many possible windows are there, given the following:
- Array size:
- Window size:
- Stride:
Look at the code below to see the output of a sliding window that moves mutually inclusively.
#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;#define MaxRows 100#define MaxCols 100void load(const char fileName[], int M[][MaxCols], int &Rows, int &Cols, int &wr, int &wc, int &strideR, int &strideC){ifstream Rdr(fileName);Rdr >> Rows >> Cols >> wr >> wc >> strideR >> strideC;for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++)for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++)Rdr >> M[r][c];}void displayGrid(const char Name[], int M[][MaxCols], int Rows, int Cols){cout << Name << ": {\n\n";for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++){for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++)cout << setw(4) << M[r][c];cout << endl;}cout << "}\n\n";}void displayAWindow(int M[][MaxCols], int wsr, int wsc, int wr, int wc){// Displaying a window anchored at (wsr, wsc) of the size of wrxwccout << "{\n";for (int r = 0; r < wr; r++) // the window is of wr-rows{cout << " ";for (int c = 0; c < wc; c++) // the window is of wc-columnscout << setw(3) << M[wsr + r][wsc + c] << " ";// anchored at (wsc, wsc) hence shiftedcout << endl;}cout << "}";}void displayAllWindows(int M[][MaxCols], int Rows, int Cols, int wr, int wc, int strideR = 1, int strideC = 1){cout << "All the windows of: \t" << wr << " x " << wc << "\nAnd stride of: \t\t" << strideR << " x " << strideC << endl << endl;for (int r = 0;r + wr <= Rows; // one window is of wr size, hence no further strider += strideR) // r should be incremented by strideR size{for (int c = 0;c + wc <= Cols; // one window is of wc size, hence no further stridec += strideC) // c should be incremented by strideC size{cout << "Anchored At:[" << r << "," << c << "]: \n";displayAWindow(M, r, c, wr, wc);// anchored at[r, c] and of the size wr x wccout << endl << endl;}}}void displayAllWindowsMutuallyExclusively(int M[][MaxCols], int Rows, int Cols, int wr, int wc){ // Exercise 1cout << "All the mutually exclusive windows of: \t" << wr << " x " << wc << endl << endl;// Write your code here}int main(){int M[MaxRows][MaxCols], Rows, Cols, wr, wc, strideR, strideC;load("SW.txt", M, Rows, Cols, wr, wc, strideR, strideC);displayGrid("\n\nThe Matrix M[][] ", M, Rows, Cols);displayAllWindows(M, Rows, Cols, wr, wc, strideR, strideC);// displayAllWindowsMutuallyExclusively(M, Rows, Cols, wr, wc);// Exercise 1: uncomment above line of displayAllWindowsMutuallyExclusively() call// and comment line with displayAllWindows() function call.return 0;}
The load()
function reads the data from the file “SW.txt”. It reads the original 2-D array along with its dimensions, required window and stride sizes.
Format of SW.txt
Each line in the “SW.txt” file contains six integers (e.g., on line 1, we have 6, 6, 2, 2, 1, 1) that represent the following respectively:
- Array rows
- Array columns
- Window rows
- Window columns
- Row-wise stride
- Column-wise stride
Inside the load()
function, we read these values (lines 11–12) followed by the 2-D array values in lines 13–15. The function ifstream
is an input (characters) file stream reader that reads the data from the file “SW.txt” (look at it in the playground to see what this function is loading).
The function displayGrid()
displays the 2-D array. The setw()
in C++ is used to set the width of the next message to be displayed. For instance, setw(4)
means the variable will take 4 minimum number of character spaces.
The function displayAWindow()
displays a single window, which is called inside the displayAllWindows()
function to display all the windows.
By row and column strides (strideR
and strideC
), we mean the number of rows and columns the sliding window shifts/jumps after each iteration, respectively.
In the code above, the window size is
, stored inwr
along with thestrideR
(read from the file “SW.txt”). Change these values to3x3
and then4x4
and the stride to2x2
and then3x3
or any other value of your choice to see how the program displays the possible windows.
Exercise 1: Displaying all mutually exclusive windows in a 2-D array
Mutually exclusive windows are the ones following the first window, which is anchored at the first location, i.e., the top left corner [0,0]. Now, every next window will be shifted column-wise by the column size of the window. Once the 0th row is traversed, we go to the next row by shifting the row by the row size of the window so that no values are mutually inclusive.
Look at the animation below.
eTo do this, write the code in the displayAllWindowsMutuallyExclusively()
function. It will be very similar to displayAllWindows()
. The only change is that we increment r
and c
by window rows (wr
) and window columns (wc
), respectively, instead of incrementing by strideR
and strideC
(lines 51 and 55).
The sample output should be the following:
The Matrix is: {
1 0 1 0
2 0 2 0
3 0 3 0
4 0 4 0
All the windows of: 2 x 2
And stride of: 2 x 2
Anchored At: [0,0]:
1 0
2 0
Anchored At: [0,2]:
1 0
2 0
Anchored At: [2,0]:
3 0
4 0
Anchored At: [2,2]:
3 0
4 0
Instruction: Add the displayAllWindowsMutuallyExclusively()
function and uncomment the function call from main()
and execute the program. The output should have all the mutually exclusive sliding windows.
Exercise 2: Finding the window with the maximum sum
In this exercise, we are going to find the window that has the maximum sum.
Sample Program
The Matrix is: {
1 0 1 0 1 0
2 0 2 0 2 0
3 0 3 0 3 0
4 0 4 0 4 0
5 6 5 0 5 0
6 9 6 0 6 0
Max window of 2x2 is:
5 6
6 9
anchored at [4,0] and has the sum of 26
The windowSum()
function computes the sum of a window.
To find and maintain the maximum sum from all windows, we have created the findMaxWindow()
Like finding the maximum from an array, we assume the first window to have the maximum sum in Max
. We then find the sum of all the windows one by one in WinSum
and update Max
if the WinSum
is greater than Max
Instruction: Write the code in the playground below and complete this function.
In the function findMaxWindow()
, we are receiving mwr
and mwc
as references, and this function’s responsibility is to assign the anchor position of the maximum window in these two variables. Along with that, the function must also return the maximum sum value.
Look at the animations to understand how your program should calculate the maximum sum window.
- Example 1: A 2-D array and window size of and stride of
- Example 2: A 2-D array and window size of and stride of
- Example 3: A 2-D array and window size of and stride of
int findMaxWindow(int M[][6], int Rows, int Cols,int wr, int wc,int &mwr, int &mwc, // this function should store the max window indicesint strideR=1, int strideC=1){// Write your code here}
Exercise 3: Cancer Detection
You are given a black-and-white image of a skin cancer sample, stored in a matrix data
of dimensions – meaning rows and columns The matrix data
consists of only 0
s and 1
s where:
represents a black pixel.1
represents a white pixel.
The task is to find the largest square window that contains at least 70% of black pixels, which constitutes a cancerous portion. This window will be identified by its starting index and the size that your function needs to return.
Note: Keep in mind that there can be more than one window with at least 70% black pixels; however, you have to find the one with the maximum size (and for the largest fixed , if there are multiple windows that qualify for cancerous regions, then return the one that has the maximum cancer cells and the one that appears first).
Constraint: Window size , where .
The following specifies the functions you need to implement and briefly explains their purpose.
The countBlackPixels()
The countBlackPixels()
function computes the number of black pixels for a given window.
int countBlackPixels(int data[][MaxCols], int sr, int sc, int k);
int data[][MaxCols]
: This is the matrix that contains the image sr
: This is the starting row of the sc
: This is the starting column of the k
: This is the window size.
The isCancerousRegion()
The isCancerousRegion()
function determines whether the number of black pixels of the specified window size constitutes a cancerous region (meaning, whether the window contains at least 70% black pixels).
bool isCancerousRegion(int K, int zeroCount);
int K
: This represents the window zeroCount
: This specifies the number of black pixels.
The searchCancerRegion()
The searchCancerRegion()
function utilizes the countBlackPixels()
and isCancerousRegion()
functions to find the largest region with black pixels greater than 70% of the pixels in that region.
void searchCancerRegion(int data[][MaxCols], int &cr, int &cc, int &k)
int data[][MaxCols]
: This is the matrix that contains the image &cr
: This should contain the starting row of the cancerous region &cc
: This should contain the starting column of the cancerous region &k
: This should contain the window size of the cancerous region found.
#include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <iomanip>using namespace std;#define MaxRows 100#define MaxCols 100void loadImageMap(const char fName[], int Map[][MaxCols], int &rows, int &cols){ifstream Rdr(fName);Rdr>>rows>>cols;for(int r=0; r<rows; r++){for(int c=0; c<cols; c++){Rdr>>Map[r][c];}}}void displayMap(int Map[][MaxCols], int rows, int cols){for(int r=0; r<rows; r++){for(int c=0; c<cols; c++){cout <<Map[r][c] << " ";}cout << endl;}}void displayWindowMap(int Map[][MaxCols], int rows, int cols, int cr, int cc, int cK){for(int r=0; r<rows; r++){for(int c=0; c<cols; c++){if (r >= cr && c >= cc && r < cr + cK && c < cc + cK)cout <<Map[r][c] << " ";elsecout << "* ";}cout << endl;}}bool isCancerousRegion(int K, int zeroCount){// Write your implementation here}int countBlackPixels(int data[][MaxCols], int sr, int sc, int k){// Write your implementation here}void searchCancerRegion(int data[][MaxCols], int rows, int cols, int &cr, int &cc, int &cK){// Write your implementation here}int main(){int imageMap[MaxRows][MaxCols], rows, cols;int cr, cc, cK;loadImageMap("cancer.txt",imageMap, rows, cols);displayMap(imageMap, rows, cols);searchCancerRegion(imageMap, rows, cols, cr, cc, cK);if(cK==-1){cout << "\nCancer not found...!\n";}else{cout << "\nCancer found....!\n";cout << "Size: "<< cK<<"x"<<cK<<"\t at: ("<<cr <<","<< cc << ")" <<endl;displayWindowMap(imageMap, rows, cols, cr, cc, cK); // Prints the map with only the window pixels highlighted}return 0;}