๐Ÿ€ Challenge: Training - 3 Layered Neural Network

Train the 3 layered neural network so that it finds the optimal weights that classify the three letters.

Problem statement

Train the 3 layered neural network.

  • Call the forward_propagation function.
  • Call the error function calculate_error and save the loss in each epoch.
  • Call the backpropagation function.
  • Call the update_parameters function to update the weights and biases in each epoch.

Sample input

  • The input features: X
  • The target output: y
  • The weights of the three layers: w1, w2, and w3 respectively
  • The bias of the three layers b1, b2, and b3 respectively
  • Total epochs: epochs
  • The learning rate: learning_rate

Sample output

  • The updated weights and biases at the three layers respectively, i.e., w1, b1, w2, b2,w3, and b3
  • The cross-entropy loss in each epoch saved in the losses array

Coding exercise

Write your code below. It is recommendedโ€‹ to solve the exercise before viewing the solution.

๐Ÿ“ Note: There is a train function given in the code for testing purposes. Do not modify the function signature.

Good luck!๐Ÿคž

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