Implementing Authentication Using Auth0

Learn to authenticate a website using Auth0.


In the previous lesson, we saw how to implement an elementary and straightforward authentication method. We can’t repeat this enough: what we saw was just a high-level overview and shouldn’t be used for any production-ready product.

When building production-ready web apps, we’re likely to adopt external authentication methods, which are secure and reliable.

There are many different auth providers (AWS Cognito, Firebase,, and so on), and we believe they’re all doing a fantastic job protecting their users. In this chapter, we'll be using a popular, secure, and affordable authentication provider, taking advantage of its generous free plan: Auth0.

Note: If you want to follow along with this chapter, create a free account on Auth0.

Auth0 will manage the most complex steps of any authentication strategy and will give us some friendly APIs to play with.

Thanks to this authentication provider, we don’t have to worry about any of the following:

  • User registration

  • User login

  • Email verification

  • Forgot password flow

  • Reset password flow

Nor will we have to worry about many other critical parts of any authentication strategy.

After creating a new account, log in to Auth0 and create a new application:

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