Summary: Building an E-Commerce Website with Next.js and GraphCMS

Review what we've learned about building e-commerce sites using GraphCMS, Stripe, and Auth0 and the evolution of CMS platforms.

We'll cover the following


In this chapter, we saw how to create a straightforward e-commerce website using GraphCMS and Stripe, two incredible products that can help build scalable, secure, and maintainable storefronts.

Even though we’ve made some significant progress during this chapter, we’re still missing some features that would deserve an entire book on them exclusively.

For example, if we now want to navigate back from the Stripe checkout to the cart page, we’ll see that our shopping cart is empty because the cart context is not persistent. And what if we want to allow our users to create an account and see the shipping progress, order history, and other helpful information?

These are complex topics, and there’s no way we can manage them in one chapter exclusively. One thing’s for sure: once we know how to handle users and authentication via Auth0, product inventory and order history on GraphCMS, and checkout on Stripe, we have all the elements we need to create rock-solid user experiences and development workflows.

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