

Run STL Algorithms in Parallel with Execution Policies

Run STL Algorithms in Parallel with Execution Policies

Learn to run STL algorithms in parallel with execution policies.

We'll cover the following...

Beginning with C++17, many of the standard STL algorithms can run with parallel execution. This feature allows an algorithm to split its work into sub-tasks to run simultaneously on multiple cores. These algorithms accept an execution policy object that specifies the kind of parallelism applied to the algorithm. This feature requires hardware support.

How to do it

Execution policies are defined in the <execution> header and in the std::execution namespace. In this recipe, we will test the available policies using the std::transform() algorithm:

  • For timing purposes, we'll use the duration object with the std::milli ratio so that we can measure in milliseconds:

using dur_t = duration<double, std::milli>;
  • For demonstration purposes, we'll start with a vector of int with ...