

Use std::any for Type Safety

Use std::any for Type Safety

Learn to employ std::any for type safety.

We'll cover the following...

Introduced with C++17, the std::any class provides a type-safe container for a single object of any type.

For example, this is a default-constructed any object:

any x{};

This object has no value. We can test that with the has_value() method:

if(x.has_value()) cout << "have value\n";
else cout << "no value\n";


no value

We assign a value to the any object with the assignment operator:

x = 42;

Now, the any object has a value, and a type:

if(x.has_value()) {
cout << format("x has type: {}\n", x.type().name());
cout << format("x has value: {}\n", any_cast<int>(x));
} else {
cout << "no value\n";


x has type: i
x has value: 42

The type() method returns a type_info object. The type_info::name() method returns an implementation-defined name for the type in a C-string. In this case, for GCC, the i means int. We use the any_cast< ...