HomeCoursesC++20 STL Cookbook



C++20 STL Cookbook
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Gain insights into C++20 and STL, explore lambda expressions, algorithms, concurrency, and file systems to write modern, efficient code, and become a proficient C++ programmer.
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Course Overview

In this course, you’ll master the art of leveraging the latest features of C++20 and harness the full potential of the Standard Template Library (STL). You’ll begin by learning about general STL features and containers for exploring lambda expressions, algorithms, and string streams. You will comprehensively learn and understand the STL’s power. Then, you’ll get hands-on coding experience with utility classes, concurrency and parallelism, and manipulating file systems. By the end of the course, you’ll b...Show More
In this course, you’ll master the art of leveraging the latest features of C++20 and harness the full potential of the Standard ...Show More


An understanding of C++20 features and lambda expressions
A working knowledge of STL containers and algorithms
An understanding of advanced string streams and formatting
A working knowledge of concurrency and parallelism techniques
An understanding of C++20 features and lambda expressions

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Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with C++20 STL, advanced features, and efficient programming techniques.



1 Lessons

Focus on mastering C++20 STL features, efficient programming, and continuous learning.
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