HomeCoursesControl Access to Your Applications Using Auth0 API in JavaScript



Control Access to Your Applications Using Auth0 API in JavaScript
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Gain insights into using Auth0 API in JavaScript to manage clients, connections, users, roles, and attack protections. Discover integration with React for robust authentication and authorization.
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Course Overview

Auth0 is a cloud-based identity management platform allowing developers to authenticate and manage front-end applications and servers. It will enable developers to create a client and connections and manage users and their access, as well as attack protection capabilities provided by Auth0. You will start the course by creating an account on Auth0. You will learn to create and manage clients, connections, and users using Auth0 management API. Next, you’ll learn to manage the role of users in an applicatio...Show More
Auth0 is a cloud-based identity management platform allowing developers to authenticate and manage front-end applications and se...Show More


An understanding of authentication API for front-end applications and management API for back-end servers
The ability to create and manage clients and connections to the back-end server as well as to an external identity provider using management API
Working knowledge of creating and managing users and their roles to grant access to an application using management API
Working knowledge of protecting servers against attacks like breached password detection, brute force, and suspicious IP throttling using management API
Working knowledge of managing signup, login, and logout processes using authentication API
Hands-on experience integrating an Auth0 management API in a React application to manage connections and users
An understanding of authentication API for front-end applications and management API for back-end servers

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Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with using Auth0 APIs for secure user authentication and authorization in JavaScript.



4 Lessons

Get started with managing clients and client grants using Auth0 API in JavaScript.



2 Lessons

Examine creating, managing, and deleting connections using Auth0 API for user authentication.


Attack Protection

3 Lessons

Take a closer look at managing breached passwords, brute force, and suspicious IP throttling in Auth0.



2 Lessons

Tackle user authentication by signing up, logging in, and logging out using Auth0 APIs.


Auth0 API Integration in React

1 Lessons

Master the steps to integrate Auth0 API in a React application for user management.



1 Lessons

Learn how to use the Auth0 API to secure your web applications.
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