Cyber Intelligence
Learn about the importance of cyber intelligence.
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Cyber intelligence is shared information that provides ways to identify attacks, attackers, and malware while attempting to prevent future attacks from. There are many sources of intel, some of which are free. Several communities exist where members openly share information based on their own experience and research. Finding intel isn’t the problem. The challenge is finding information of value, or actionable intelligence.
Collect intel on time
Intel also has an expiration date, usually a short one. Once the details about an attack are learned, the effectiveness of the attack is severely diminished because people know how to protect against it. The tactics adapt and change as a result. Intel needs to be received on time and assigned an expiration date based on when it was received, or at the very least, its value needs to be reduced as time goes on. Otherwise we run the risk of collecting intel perpetually, which makes it increasingly more difficult to use the information as the collection grows.