HomeCoursesCyber Security Best Practices for Developers



Cyber Security Best Practices for Developers

Gain insights into cyber security fundamentals, explore common threats, discover protection mechanisms like firewalls, learn monitoring and response strategies, and develop secure systems as a developer.
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Modern computer systems are almost universally connected, which creates wider attack surfaces well beyond code to users, hardware, and more. Securing systems is thus a fundamental skill for modern software engineers. This course is a comprehensive introduction to cyber security best practices. You’ll start with an overview of common threats and vulnerabilities, as well as high-level concepts like privilege, integrity, logging, and mediation. With these concepts in mind, you’ll then learn common protection ...Show More
Modern computer systems are almost universally connected, which creates wider attack surfaces well beyond code to users, hardwar...Show More


A deep understanding of the various security threats in modern information technology (IT)
A working knowledge of the modern techniques to maintain cyber security
A modern approach to monitor, detect, and respond to cyber security incidents
A working understanding of the procedures to document security incidents
A deep understanding of the various security threats in modern information technology (IT)

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1 Lessons

Get familiar with cyber security fundamentals, best practices, and actionable security measures.



1 Lessons

Tackle security best practices, operational security, continuous threat monitoring, and incident response.
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