Secure Memory

Learn about address space layout randomization (ASLR), data execution prevention (DEP), and containerization, which provide host-based security to an organization.


Several security solutions have been integrated into operating systems, providing new and innovative ways to protect a device from attacks. New protection mechanisms are discovered as a result of analyzing past attacks. Microsoft has received a priceless education in dealing with security issues with its software. As a result, they can be considered one of the most security-aware software vendors today.

Address space layout randomization (ASLR)

Address space layout randomization (ASLR) was developed in response to attackers taking advantage of how operating systems used memory. Attackers were able to determine where in-memory objects were stored. The locations were the same regardless of what computer was used because the software loaded objects in memory the same way every time due to how software and operating systems used memory. This made the memory predictable, which allowed attackers to ...