Deletion in Binary Search Tree (Implementation)
We will now write the implementation of the deletion function, which covers all the cases that we discussed previously.
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Delete(Node* currentNode,int value) {if(root==NULL)return false;}
2. val
not found #
We search for the tree for the data given, and if it’s not found, i.e., currentNode
, we return false
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bool Delete(Node* currentNode,int value) {if(root==NULL){return false;}Node* parent; //To Store parent of currentNodewhile(currentNode!=NULL && (currentNode->value != value)) {parent=currentNode;if (currentNode->value > value)currentNode=currentNode->leftChild;elsecurrentNode=currentNode->rightChild;}if(currentNode==NULL)return false;}
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#include "BST.h"Node::Node() {value = 0;leftChild = NULL;rightChild = NULL;}Node::Node(int val) {value = val;leftChild = NULL;rightChild = NULL;}BinarySearchTree::BinarySearchTree() {root = NULL;}BinarySearchTree::BinarySearchTree(int rootValue) {root = new Node(rootValue);}Node * BinarySearchTree::getRoot() {return root;}Node * BinarySearchTree::insert(Node * currentNode, int val) {if (currentNode == NULL) {return new Node(val);}else if (currentNode -> value > val) {currentNode -> leftChild = insert(currentNode -> leftChild, val);}else {currentNode -> rightChild = insert(currentNode -> rightChild, val);}return currentNode;}void BinarySearchTree::insertBST(int value) {if (getRoot() == NULL) {root = new Node(value);return;}insert(this -> getRoot(), value);}bool BinarySearchTree::Delete(Node * currentNode, int value) {if (root == NULL) {return false;}Node * parent; //To Store parent of currentNodewhile (currentNode != NULL && (currentNode -> value != value)) {parent = currentNode;if (currentNode -> value > value)currentNode = currentNode -> leftChild;elsecurrentNode = currentNode -> rightChild;}if (currentNode == NULL){return false;}return false;}bool BinarySearchTree::deleteBST(int value) {return Delete(root, value);}void BinarySearchTree::inOrderPrint(Node * currentNode) {if (currentNode != NULL) {inOrderPrint(currentNode -> leftChild);cout << currentNode -> value << endl;inOrderPrint(currentNode -> rightChild);}}