HomeCoursesData Structures for Coding Interviews in C++



Data Structures for Coding Interviews in C++

The ultimate guide to data structures for coding interviews. Developed by FAANG engineers. Get interview-ready in hours with C++ implementations and real-world interview questions. Prep faster.
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Data structures are amongst the very fundamentals of Computer Science and are often a core decision in developing efficient programs. Consequently, they are also largely categorized as a vital benchmark of computer science knowledge when it comes to industry interviews. This course contains a detailed review of all the common data structures and provides implementation level details in C++ to allow readers to become well equipped with all the different data structures they can leverage to write better code!
Data structures are amongst the very fundamentals of Computer Science and are often a core decision in developing efficient prog...Show More



Introduction to Complexity Measures

22 Lessons

Step through complexity measures, comparing algorithms, incorporating Big O notation, and analyzing nested loops.


Introduction to Arrays

26 Lessons

Look at arrays, vectors, and multidimensional arrays; solve coding challenges with essential solutions.


Introduction to Linked Lists

30 Lessons

Work your way through Singly and Doubly Linked Lists structure, operations, and coding challenges.


Introduction to Stack/Queues

25 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of stacks and queues, along with their applications and challenges.


Introduction to Graphs

26 Lessons

Dig into graph concepts, types, representations, implementations, complexities, traversal, and problem-solving.


Introduction to Trees

38 Lessons

Explore tree structures, including their properties, types, and specific operations in C++.


Introduction to Hashing

33 Lessons

Discover the logic behind hash table fundamentals, applications, and comparisons with other structures.


Summary of Data Structures

2 Lessons

Examine the key differences and performance metrics of linear and non-linear data structures.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the data structures of C++ programming?

C++ provides several fundamental data structures, both built-in and through its Standard Template Library (STL). The built-in data structures include arrays and pointers for simple, contiguous memory storage. The STL offers more advanced structures like vector (dynamic array), list (doubly linked list), deque (double-ended queue), stack (LIFO stack), queue (FIFO queue), priority_queue (heap), set (ordered collection of unique elements), map (key-value pairs), unordered_set, and unordered_map (hash-based structures). These data structures are optimized for different types of operations, such as fast access, insertion, or deletion, making C++ versatile for various programming needs.

Can I use C++ for coding interviews?

How to study for a C++ interview

Are C++ coders in demand?

How many hours a day should I study C++?