/Example: Time Complexity of an Algorithm With Nested Loops
Example: Time Complexity of an Algorithm With Nested Loops
In this lesson, we will learn how to compute the time complexity of an algorithm that involves nested for loops.
We'll cover the following...
In the previous lesson, we learned how to calculate the time complexity of an algorithm that involves a loop. Now, we’ll extend the same idea to analyzing an algorithm with nested for loops.
A Program With Nested for
Loops #
Consider the following C++ program:
int main(){int n = 5;int m = 7;int sum = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)sum += 1;}cout << sum;return 0;}
It is a simple piece of code that prints the number of times the increment statement runs throughout the program. Let’s compute its time complexity.
Time Complexity
Let’s take the training wheels off and jump straight to line number 5. From the previous lesson, you would recall that it accounts for primitive operations: one for initialization, for the comparison, and for the increment.
Let’s move onto line number 6. Since this line is nested inside the for loop on line 5, it is repeated times. For a single iteration of the outer for loop, how many primitive operations does this line incur? You should be able to generalize from the last lesson that the answer is ...