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Deal with Mislabeled and Imbalanced Machine Learning Datasets

Gain insights into dealing with mislabeled and imbalanced machine learning datasets. Learn to analyze effects, measure and recover from noise, and interpret results to avoid bias.
Gain insights into dealing with mislabeled and imbalanced machine learning datasets. Learn to analyze effects, measure and recover from noise, and interpret results to avoid bias.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

28 Lessons
1 Project
1 Assessment
23 Playgrounds
5 Quizzes
Course Overview
What You'll Learn
Course Content

Course Overview

Machine learning models depend thoroughly on the dataset quality they are trained on. The model’s performance deteriorates significantly due to noisy datasets. One primary source of noise is mislabeling. Labeling is a costly, time-consuming, and error-prone stage in the machine learning pipeline. Data, if not correctly labeled, can introduce bias and inaccuracies into machine learning models. This course offers hands-on experience in analyzing the effects of mislabeled datasets on machine learning models, ...Show More
Machine learning models depend thoroughly on the dataset quality they are trained on. The model’s performance deteriorates signi...Show More



Machine Learning

Data Pipeline

What You'll Learn

The ability to analyze the impact of mislabeled datasets on ML model performance
An understanding of techniques to deal with imbalanced datasets
The ability to evaluate the importance of quality data over big data
The ability to analyze the impact of mislabeled datasets on ML model performance

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Course Content


Introduction to the Course

2 Lessons

Get familiar with handling mislabeled and imbalanced data in machine learning models.


Understanding Noisy Data, Label Noise, and Its Types

4 Lessons

Examine noisy data, simulate and visualize unbiased and biased mislabeling with Python.


Introduction to Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of CNNs, their architecture, layers, pooling, and hyperparameter tuning.


Dealing with Imbalance Dataset

4 Lessons

Focus on addressing class imbalance in datasets, transforming techniques, and practical Python applications.


Wrap Up

1 Lessons

Master the steps to tackle imbalanced and mislabeled datasets for improved data quality.



1 Lessons

Get familiar with essential references on data-centric AI approaches.

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