HomeCoursesDevelopment: A Guide to Modern Software Delivery



Development: A Guide to Modern Software Delivery
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Gain insights into Agile software development, DevOps solutions, testing techniques, and cloud essentials. Discover best practices and real-life experiences to deploy and manage software efficiently.
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Course Overview

When it comes to software delivery, there are numerous processes and practices that you might come across. You'll get the essential knowledge you need to deploy, manage, and work with software efficiently. In this course, you’ll learn about the Agile software development methodology, as well as best practices that can help you perform well both as a team lead and team player. The lessons in this course, unlike conventional books, are based on the author’s 25 years of experience in the software industry. T...Show More
When it comes to software delivery, there are numerous processes and practices that you might come across. You'll get the essent...Show More


An understanding of software delivery processes and best practices
An understanding of team lead responsibilities and what it means to be a team player
Familiarity with the best cloud computing practices
The importance of documentation in speeding up development and testing
Familiarity with strategies for smooth deployment
An understanding of software delivery processes and best practices

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Course Content


Before We Get Started

1 Lessons

Get familiar with best practices in software development, including Agile, DevOps, and testing.


Development and Leadership Practices

7 Lessons

Unpack the core of effective development and leadership practices, tackling challenges and ensuring continuous delivery.


Team Practices

4 Lessons

Work your way through enhancing team collaboration, agile practices, automation, and efficient software maintenance.



6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of DevOps integration, logging strategies, production issue management, and effective build pipelines.


Documentation and Testing Techniques

4 Lessons

Map out the steps for effective documentation and comprehensive testing in software development.


Cloud Infrastructure

3 Lessons

Focus on essential cloud infrastructure components, cost management, and performance optimization strategies.


Deployment Strategy

4 Lessons

Master the steps to efficient software deployment, emphasizing iterative development, smart practices, and collaborative planning.


Wrap Up!

1 Lessons

Get familiar with the core managerial aspects and practical applications in software delivery.
Certificate of Completion
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