HomeCoursesDistributed Machine Learning and Its Implementation with H2O



Distributed Machine Learning and Its Implementation with H2O
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Gain insights into H2O-3's scalable framework and explore model interpretability, AutoML features, and algorithm implementation. Discover how to derive insights and tackle big data for explainable ML solutions.
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Course Overview

This course teaches about a distributed and highly scalable machine learning framework known as H2O-3. H2O has become the go-to solution for organizations seeking to build data-driven and explainable solutions. In this course, you’ll learn about H2O’s versatile machine learning framework, which empowers you with high-performing and interpretable machine learning models. The H2O framework is compatible with Java, JSON, R, Python, and Scala. You’ll start by covering the concepts of machine learning models. ...Show More
This course teaches about a distributed and highly scalable machine learning framework known as H2O-3. H2O has become the go-to ...Show More


An understanding of distributed machine learning
Working knowledge of the powerful H2O ML framework, including various algorithms and their implementation in data science use cases
Hands-on experience in building explainable machine learning models and deriving insights from them
The ability to utilize autoML tools effectively for building fast, scalable, and robust machine learning models
An understanding of distributed machine learning

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Machine Learning

Data Science


Artificial Intelligence

Course Content


Introduction to Machine Learning

5 Lessons

Get familiar with machine learning basics, frameworks, and model evaluation techniques.


Unsupervised Learning: Clustering with H2O

6 Lessons

Enhance your skills in clustering using H2O, focusing on EDA, model prediction, and analysis.


Closing Notes

1 Lessons

Investigate key concepts and practical skills in machine learning using the H2O framework.



1 Lessons

Prepare for H2O by ensuring compatible OS, Java, and optional R or Python integrations.
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