HomeCoursesProgramming in Python



Programming in Python

Gain insights into Python programming fundamentals, explore data types, structures, functions, and delve into advanced topics like concurrency, enhancing skills for web development, data science, and machine learning.
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Python is a multi-purpose language with an extensive range of application domains, including basic programming, web development, data science, and machine learning. In this course, you’ll learn Python's programming fundamentals and constructs. Each concept offers ample hands-on experience with executable programs. You’ll learn the basic concepts of data types and structures as well as conditional and iterative constructs. You’ll learn functions, functional programming, and recursion. The course introduces ...Show More
Python is a multi-purpose language with an extensive range of application domains, including basic programming, web development,...Show More


An understanding of the fundamentals of computer programming using Python
A working knowledge of object-oriented programming using Python
Hands-on experience with executable programs in Python to solve a wide variety of problems
Hands-on exercises for problem-solving
Familiarity with good programming practices, including comments, reusability, naming conventions, and modularity
Familiarity with the advanced concepts of iterators, generators, exception handling, concurrency, parallelism, and synchronization
An understanding of the fundamentals of computer programming using Python

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Introduction to Python

3 Lessons

Get familiar with Python's versatility, key programming paradigms, and broad application uses.


Modules and Packages

4 Lessons

Learn how to use Python modules and packages to organize and reuse code efficiently.



4 Lessons

Get started with namespaces, symbol tables, and scope hierarchy in Python programming.



4 Lessons

Follow the process of installing Python, utilizing resources, understanding compilation, and preventing common bugs.
Certificate of Completion
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Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

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