- Examples

Examples for using {} for uniform initialization and initializer lists.

We'll cover the following...

Example 1

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// uniformInitialization.cpp
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
// Initialization of a C-Array as attribute of a class
class Array{
Array(): myData{1,2,3,4,5}{}
int myData[5];
class MyClass{
int x;
double y;
class MyClass2{
MyClass2(int fir, double sec):x{fir},y{sec} {};
int x;
double y;
int main(){
// Direct Initialization of a standard container
int intArray[] = {1,2,3,4,5};
std::vector<int> intArray1{1,2,3,4,5};
std::map<std::string,int> myMap{{"Scott",1976}, {"Dijkstra",1972}};
// Initialization of a const heap array
const float* pData= new const float[3]{1.1,2.2,3.3};
Array arr;
// Defaut Initialization of a arbitrary object
int i{}; // i becomes 0
std::string s{}; // s becomes ""
std::vector<float> v{}; // v becomes an empty vector
double d{}; // d becomes 0.0
// Initializations of an arbitrary object using public attributes
MyClass myClass{2011,3.14};
MyClass myClass1 = {2011,3.14};
// Initializations of an arbitrary object using the constructor
MyClass2 myClass2{2011,3.14};
MyClass2 myClass3 = {2011,3.14};


  • Firstly, the direct initialization of the C array, the std::vector, and the std::map (lines 32 - 34) is quite easy. In the case of the std::map, the inner {}-pairs are the key and value pairs.

  • The next special use case is the direct initialization of a const C array on the heap (line 36). The special thing about the array arr in line 39 ...