Chapter Summary

Recap the key concepts and approaches learned in this chapter.

Summarizing state management in GetX

In this lesson, we will summarize the entire chapter on state management, highlighting the key concepts of state management in GetX and essential points to provide a comprehensive overview of the material covered. This summary will help consolidate our understanding and ensure that we grasp the fundamental aspects of the topic. Let’s look at the key takeaways from each lesson in the chapter.

Introduction to state management

  • Overview:

    • State management is crucial in Flutter for updating UI based on data changes.

    • Effective state management ensures robustness and efficiency as apps grow.

  • Challenges in state management:

    • There is no one-size-fits-all solution for managing state.

    • Numerous state management packages in Flutter can confuse beginners.

    • Mastery comes with experience and understanding of best practices.

  • State management in Flutter:

    • The simplest approach involves using the setState method in StatefulWidget.

    • setState triggers widget rebuild when the state changes internally.

    • Limiting when we want to update the state from outside the widget.

  • State management with GetX:

    • Uses GetxController to manage state outside widgets.

    • Controllers update state with update() method.

    • GetX provides widgets like GetBuilder to listen to state changes.


  • Overview:

    • Provides change notifications to update widgets when the state changes.

    • Manages life cycle events like StatefulWidget, enabling actions during initialization, readiness, and disposal.

  • Change notification:

    • Uses the update method to notify listeners of state changes.

    • Widgets wrapped with GetBuilder listen to these changes and rebuild accordingly.

  • Targeted updates:

    • The update method can target specific widgets using identifiers.

    • Useful for updating only selected parts of the UI.

  • Conditional updates:

    • The update method can include conditions to control when widgets are notified of state changes.

  • Life cycle events:

    • onInit: Called when the controller is created.

    • onReady: Called after the first frame of the widget is rendered.

    • onClose: Called before the controller is disposed of.

  • Automatic disposal:

    • GetX automatically handles controller disposal when they are no longer in use, simplifying resource management.


  • Overview:

    • GetBuilder is a widget that listens to changes in a controller.

    • Rebuilds when update() is called in the controller.

    • Connects widget to the specified controller and lets it handle the widget’s state.

  • Life cycle controls:

    • Acts like a StatefulWidget with life cycle methods (initState, didUpdateDependencies, didUpdateWidget, dispose).

    • Recommended to use GetxController’s life cycle for consistency and safety.

  • Identifiers for specific updates

    • Use id to update specific GetBuilders.

    • Update specific widgets using the ids parameter in update() method.

  • Automatic controller removal:

    • By default, the controller is removed when its initializing GetBuilder is disposed of.

    • Can change this behavior with autoRemove.

  • Responsibility for removing the controller:

    • Initializing GetBuilder is responsible for removal.

    • Can assign this responsibility to other GetBuilders using assignId.

  • Local instance:

    • Create independent instances of the same controller for different widgets.

    • Use global: false to create local instances.

  • Unique instance:

    • Multiple GetBuilders can connect to unique instances of the same controller using the tag property.

    • Useful for grouping states with granular control.

  • Filtering rebuilds:

    • Minimize unnecessary widget rebuilds with the filter parameter.

    • Only rebuilds if the returned value from the filter function changes.

GetX Widget

  • Overview:

    • GetX operates similarly to GetBuilder but utilizes streams for automatic widget updates.

    • Reactive variables are created using the .**obs extension, enabling real-time state management.

    • The widget stays synchronized with the variable’s stream, ensuring automatic updates without manual intervention.

  • Similarities with GetBuilder:

    • Offers life cycle controls (initState, didChangeDependencies, didUpdateWidget, dispose).

    • Provides options for controller auto removal, removal responsibility, and local and unique controller instances.

  • Differences between GetBuilder and GetX

    • Specific rebuilds:

      • GetBuilder allows updating specific widgets using the id parameter.

      • GetX automatically triggers rebuilds for all widgets connected to a variable.

    • Filtered rebuilds:

      • GetBuilder enables manual filtering through the filter property.

      • GetX automatically filters rebuilds without manual intervention.


  • Overview:

    • Obx is a simple widget designed to listen to changes in the controller.

    • Doesn’t require specifying controller type or initializing controllers.

    • Can listen to multiple controllers from a single widget.

  • Initializing and using a controller:

    • Controllers are initialized using dependency injection techniques like Bindings, Get.put, Get.lazyPut, or Get.create.

    • Initialized controller can directly be used in the widget returned by Obx’s builder parameter.

  • Multiple controllers:

    • Allows listening to multiple controllers within a single Obx widget.

    • Promotes code organization and efficiency.

  • Performance optimization:

    • Obx only rebuilds the widget if the variable’s value has actually changed, maximizing app performance.


  • Introduction:

    • MixinBuilder combines features of GetBuilder and Obx, allowing both reactive and manual state management in a single widget.

    • Useful for listening to updates made to reactive variables and manual update calls within the same widget.

  • Implementation:

    • Create a controller with both reactive and simple variables.

    • Wrap the widget with MixinBuilder to actively listen to updates from both reactive variables and manual update calls.

  • Features:

    • Inherits most properties of GetBuilder and Obx, including life cycle controls, controller initialization and attachment, auto removal of the controller, local instance connection, specific rebuilds, and listening to multiple controllers.

  • Missing features:

    • Lacks tag parameter for connecting to unique controller instances.

    • Does not provide the filter parameter for filtering out widget rebuilds.

  • Considerations:

    • MixinBuilder is a heavy widget that may impact app performance.

    • Implementing a custom solution using GetBuilder and Obx may be preferable for better control and access to missing features like tag and filter.

    • MixinBuilder can be used if unique controller instances and filtered rebuilds are unnecessary, but caution should be exercised to avoid performance issues.


  • Introduction:

    • StateMixin manages the state of a controller, allowing the declaration and management of various states such as success, error, loading, loadingMore, or empty.

    • Particularly useful for handling asynchronous operations like REST API calls in controllers.

  • Implementation:

    • Define a custom state data type (e.g., UserModel) to serve as the controller’s state.

    • Mix StateMixin with the controller and implement functions to fetch data from a database, updating the controller’s state accordingly.

  • Change method:

    • Use the change method to update the controller’s state, providing the new state and its status (e.g., loading, empty, success, or error).

  • Loading more data:

    • Utilize the loadingMore status to indicate ongoing data loading operations, especially in scenarios where data is fetched incrementally.

  • Sync UI with controller state:

    • Use the .obx extension to sync UI widgets with the controller’s state, rendering UI components conditionally based on the controller’s status.

    • Handle various states like loading, empty, and error using onLoading, onEmpty, and onError parameters, respectively.

  • Shortcut for error handling:

    • Take advantage of the append method as a shortcut for error handling, simplifying the code required to handle asynchronous operations and update controller states.

ValueBuilder and ObxValue

  • Introduction:

    • ValueBuilder and ObxValue are stateful widgets that manage a widget’s local state without needing variables or setState.

    • They simplify state management, especially for simple toggles like switches.

  • ValueBuilder:

    • Usage:

      • Specify the initial value and provide a builder function that updates the widget based on the value.

      • The builder function receives a snapshot of the current value and an updater function to modify the value.

    • Life cycle controls:

      • Provides onUpdate and onDispose callbacks for handling widget updates and disposal.

  • ObxValue

    • Usage:

      • Similar to ValueBuilder but works with reactive types provided by the GetX library, such as RxBool, RxInt, etc.

      • The builder function receives the reactive data and can update its value directly using the .value extension.

    • Reactivity:

      • Rebuilds the widget automatically whenever the value changes, as it listens to the reactive data internally.

Choosing the right approach

  • GetBuilder: Simpler implementations, performance-centric applications, refined control over widget updates.

  • GetX: Reactive approach, similar to GetBuilder but with the power of streams.

  • Obx: Simplicity, listening to multiple streams from a single widget.

  • MixinBuilder: It is not recommended due to its heavy nature. If needed, it is better to create a custom composition of GetBuilder and Obx.

  • StateMixin: Defining controller states, handling loading, success, and error states automatically.

  • ValueBuilder and ObxValue: Internal state management without defining variables and methods in a controller.

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