

The Get.replace Method

The Get.replace Method

Learn to replace originally injected dependencies with Get.replace.

The challenge of re-injecting dependencies in GetX

GetX is fundamentally designed so we cannot inject a dependency twice with Get.put. The code below does not work the way we expect it to be:

Press + to interact
// Inject Controller for the first time.
Get.put<Controller>(Controller(name: 'Aachman'));
// Inject Controller again.
Get.put<Controller>(Controller(name: 'Garg'));
// Find the injected dependency.
print(Get.find<Controller>().name); // prints 'Aachman'

We’d expect that the output is 'Garg'. However, as GetX finds the dependency that was originally injected, the output is 'Aachman'.

Solving the issue with Get.replace

For scenarios like this, we have the Get.replace method. It’s a simple method that replaces the original dependency and injects a new one. Here’s what the same code would look like:

Press + to interact
// Inject Controller for the first time.
Get.put<Controller>(Controller(name: 'Aachman'));
// Replace Controller instance.
Get.replace<Controller>(Controller(name: 'Garg'));
// Find the injected dependency.
print(Get.find<Controller>().name); // prints 'Garg'

Leveraging Get.replace with inherited classes

Internally, Get.replace deletes the previous dependency and injects the new one. This becomes tremendously helpful when we wish to use inherited ...