Configurations for Dependency Disposal

Learn to configure GetX to manage dependency disposal from memory.

Changing the default disposal behavior with SmartManagement

GetX optimizes for performance. By default, it deletes all the attached controllers once the widget is disposed of. This may be ideal for most scenarios, but sometimes, we need to preserve those controllers for later access. We mark individual controllers as permanent during initialization to prevent them from deleting.

But what if we wish to change this default behavior and preserve all the controllers? GetX allows us to do this by providing some configuration options under SmartManagement.

GetMaterialApp has a smartManagement parameter that accepts one of the three modes defined under the SmartManagement enum. The following are the three modes:

  • Full mode

  • Keep factory mode

  • Only builder mode

Let us understand the function of each of these modes one by one.

Full mode

While in full mode, every controller gets completely deleted when the attached route (or widget) gets disposed of. By complete deletion, we mean that if a controller was initialized lazily, it won’t be initialized again if another widget needs it again.

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