Key Takeaway - Shor's Algorithm
Let’s summarize our findings from Shor's Algorithm.
We'll cover the following...
That was quite a journey with Number Theory, Algebra, and Modular Arithmetic. To ensure that the essential material sticks, let’s summarize some concepts that lie at the heart of Shor’s Algorithm.
The first thing to realize is that Shor’s Algorithm translates the difficult task of factorization to a task centered around the greatest common divisors. Therefore, this technique of formulating a problem differently can be a potential approach to algorithmic thinking in both classical and quantum computation. So we ask ourselves the question: is there a different way of approaching the same problem? If the answer is yes, in some cases, this can lead to efficient solutions. We saw one instance of this throughout this chapter.
The second technique is more specific to quantum computers. Recall that Shor’s Algorithm is based on using ...