HomeCoursesThe Fundamentals of Quantum Computing



The Fundamentals of Quantum Computing
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Gain insights into quantum computing, starting with qubits and quantum mechanics. Discover quantum gates, circuits, and algorithms like Grover’s search and Shor’s factoring. Explore potential applications.
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Course Overview

Firms like IBM, Honeywell, Zapata, Rigetti, Amazon, Google, IonQ, and others are all adopting and investing heavily in quantum computing. This is a great opportunity to get involved. In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of quantum computing, starting with quantum bits or qubits. These are the centerpiece and most basic computational unit. You will then move on to quantum mechanics and the role of quantum gates, circuits, and simulating computers. From there, you will get acquainted with the ma...Show More
Firms like IBM, Honeywell, Zapata, Rigetti, Amazon, Google, IonQ, and others are all adopting and investing heavily in quantum c...Show More


Understand the quantum computing paradigm
Implement quantum algorithms on Qiskit and Cirq
Leverage quantum parallelism for speed ups
Understand the quantum computing paradigm

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Scientific Algorithms

Course Content


Baby Steps

8 Lessons

Get familiar with the basics of quantum computing, qubits, states, and their applications.


The Essence of Quantum Mechanics

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of quantum mechanics history, postulates, superposition, entanglement, and the EPR paradox.


Quantum Gates and Circuits

5 Lessons

Examine quantum gates, their transformations, controlled interactions, parametric flexibility, and circuit building.


Simulating Quantum Computers

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of simulating quantum computers, quantum states, gates, and operations in Python.


Getting Started with Quantum Algorithms

2 Lessons

Take a look at quantum libraries and coding Bell States for algorithm essentials.


The Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm

5 Lessons

Focus on the efficiency and implications of the Deutsch-Jozsa Algorithm in quantum computing.


Grover's Search Algorithm

6 Lessons

Master the steps to Grover's Algorithm for efficient unstructured data search in quantum computing.


The Future

2 Lessons

Solve challenges with insights into quantum computing's future and further learning resources.
Certificate of Completion
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