Quantum States

Until now, we have talked about quantum states informally. Sno, now let's talk about the quantum state formally and how we can represent it mathematically.

Single qubit states

Classical bits, represented by low and high voltages in a transistor, are represented using two numbers, 0 and 1. Quantum states are different. Instead of numbers, quantum states are represented by vectors. As you would recall, vectors have both magnitude and direction in space associated with them. More specifically, a quantum state is a vector in two-dimensional vector space. We will refer to this two-dimensional vector space as the state-space of a single qubit.


In an earlier lesson, we introduced a shorthand notation for representing quantum states. Remember those fancy 0|0\rangle and 1|1\rangle? Here they are again.

Here’s how you define 0|0\rangle == [10]\begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} and here’s how you define 1|1\rangle == [01]\begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}

We call these ket vectors, enclosed within a | and \rangle. Ket vectors are column vectors, meaning they have a single column with multiple rows.

There are also bra vectors. Bra vectors are represented by \langle and |. For example: 0\langle0| and 1\langle1|. As you would guess, bra vectors are row vectors, meaning they have one row but multiple columns.

Computational basis

Now that we have seen that the 0|0\rangle and 1|1\rangle states are essentially vectors, we will discuss another unique property of these two states.

They are called the computational basis states. We will talk about the computational part of this term in a future lesson but let’s see why they are called a basis.

These two vectors are the basis of the vector space that represents single-qubit quantum states.

Now, what is a basis? A basis is a set of vectors that can span the entire vector space. This essentially means that every vector in the state space can be written as a linear combination of the 0|0\rangle and 1|1\rangle vectors.

An example of this would be an arbitrary state ϕ|\phi\rangle written as 0.70+0.910.7 *|0\rangle+0.9*|1\rangle in bra-ket notation.

In vector notation, it would look like this:

ϕ=0.7[10]+0.9[01]|\phi\rangle = 0.7*\begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}+ 0.9 * \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}

The Hilbert Space

You will see Hilbert Space mentioned in a lot of places. We won’t go much into linear algebra to formally define this term. However, for our purposes, let’s call the complex vector space of quantum states spanned by the basis vectors 0|0\rangle and 1|1\rangle as the 2-D Hilbert Space. It supports the inner-product or dot-product of the vectors. We’ll come back to why that is important in the next lesson.

Properties of a quantum state

Let’s explore the following properties of quantum state:

  • Complex-valued
  • Normalized
  • Superposition
  • Phase


As we told you earlier, qubits have many more states than just 0|0\rangle and 1 ...