HomeCoursesGetting Started with the Deezer API in JavaScript



Getting Started with the Deezer API in JavaScript
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Gain insights into Deezer API, its endpoints, and access keys. Delve into discovering artists, albums, and genres. Learn about integrating Deezer API in a React app.
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Course Overview

Deezer is an online music streaming service that gives its users access to millions of songs, playlists, albums, artists, podcasts, etc. Deezer also gives you curated recommendations that fit your liking. In this course, you will first get an introduction to the Deezer API and the different endpoints it offers. You’ll then be provided with a step-by-step guide on how to sign up for an account and retrieve the access keys. Then, you will be provided a hands-on guide on performing various tasks using the AP...Show More
Deezer is an online music streaming service that gives its users access to millions of songs, playlists, albums, artists, podcas...Show More


A familiarity with the Deezer API and the different endpoints it offers
The ability to discover artists and explore different genres using the Deezer API
An understanding of how to find top tracks, albums, artists, playlists, and podcasts
The ability to search for resources on Deezer
Hands-on experience integrating the Deezer API in a functioning React application
A familiarity with the Deezer API and the different endpoints it offers

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API Integration

Course Content



3 Lessons

Get familiar with using the Deezer API in JavaScript for music streaming applications.


Artists and Genre

2 Lessons

Get started with Deezer's genre and artist data for in-depth musical exploration.


Albums and Tracks

2 Lessons

Break apart track management and album exploration using the Deezer API.



2 Lessons

Apply your skills to creating, updating, and managing user playlists using the Deezer API.


Charts and Search Deezer Resources

2 Lessons

Dig into retrieving top content and advanced search functionalities using the Deezer API.


The Deezer API Integration in React

1 Lessons

Tackle integrating Deezer API in React with an interactive, feature-rich demo application.



1 Lessons

Build on your knowledge of the Deezer API and explore further resources.



1 Lessons

Learn how to use user permissions and API error codes in Deezer API development.
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