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Before We Begin
In Lieu of an Introduction
Why Should We Learn Ruby?
What Will We Study?
Your Advantage
First Steps
Runtime Environments
Writing Our First Program
Exercise: First steps
Quiz: First Steps
Fundamentals of Ruby
Variables in Ruby
String Addition and Multiplication
Data Types in Ruby
Everything Is An Object in Ruby (Proof)
Type Casting (Type Conversion)
Fractional Numbers
String Interpolation in Ruby
Blocks in Ruby
Blocks with Parameters
Methods of Ruby’s Integer Class
Exercise 1: Fundamentals of Ruby
Quiz: Fundamentals of Ruby
Conditional Statements
Testing Variables and Branching
Combining Conditions
Some Useful Ruby Methods
Random Numbers
Exercise: Conditional Statements
Quiz: Conditional Statements
Operators and Methods
Ternary Operator
Loading Indicator
Judgment Day Emulator
Instance and Local Variables
Programming a Slot Machine
Quiz: Operators and Methods
Introduction to arrays
Initializing Arrays
Accessing Arrays
Battle of the Robots
Arrays of Arrays: Two-dimensional arrays
Arrays of Arrays: Referencing
Accessing Arrays of Arrays
Multidimensional Arrays
Closer Look into Arrays
Elements in Arrays
Exercise: Arrays
Quiz: Arrays
Hash in Ruby
Other Types as Hash Values
JSON-structure of a real-world application
English-Spanish dictionary
Comparison of Hashes and Arrays
Methods of Hash Class
Setting a Default Value in Hash
Passing Parameters to Methods
Iteration over Hash Elements
The “dig” method
Exercise: Hash
Quiz: Hashes
Fun with Object Oriented Programming
Objects and State
Scope of Variables
Significance of State
Example of State
Duck Typing and Polymorphism
Subtyping vs Inheritance
Class methods
The truth about Object-oriented Programming
Exercise: Game of Robots
Quiz: Object-oriented Programming
Debugging in Ruby
Debugging in Ruby
Debugging Using the Output to the Console
Debugging Using a Console Debugger
Quiz: Debugging the Program
Ruby Version Manager
Introduction to the Version Management
Semantic Versioning
Multiple Ruby Versions
Quiz: Ruby Version Manager
Testing Ruby Programs
Introduction to Software Testing
Rspec Testing Framework
A TestCase Scenario
Wrap Up!
Final Words
Setting Up Environments
Debugging with IDE
The Handbook for Ruby Developers
Exercise: First steps
Exercise: First steps
Write a program in Ruby to calculate the number of milliseconds in a day.
We'll cover the following...
Problem statement
Try it yourself
Problem statement