HomeCoursesThe Handbook for Ruby Developers


7h 30min

The Handbook for Ruby Developers

Gain insights into Ruby development with 78 tasks tailored for beginners and experienced coders. Explore object-oriented concepts, debug programs, and advance your freelance coding career.
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This self-study course written as a book is your first step towards making money by coding and programming from home, and having fun doing it. You will understand how the Ruby language works, and establish a foundation for being a successful freelance developer. This course gives you not only technical detail, but presents knowledge in a friendly format, understandable by all ages, providing a thorough explanation of modern concepts for absolute beginners. In this course you will find 78 easy to follow tas...Show More
This self-study course written as a book is your first step towards making money by coding and programming from home, and having...Show More


Learn the difference between Ruby and other programming languages.
Understand the fundamentals of Ruby.
Understand the operators and methods used in Ruby.
Learn about object-oriented programming in Ruby.
Learn about the process of debugging in Ruby and Ruby Version Management (RVM).
Learn about the testing process in Ruby.
Learn the difference between Ruby and other programming languages.

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Before We Begin

4 Lessons

Step through Ruby's versatility, career benefits, and practical applications in web programming.


First Steps

5 Lessons

Unpack the core of setting up Ruby environments, writing basic programs, using REPL, and solving time calculation exercises.


Conditional Statements

6 Lessons

Break down complex ideas to effectively use Ruby's conditional statements and practical exercises.


Operators and Methods

7 Lessons

Dig into Ruby operators, methods, variables, and practical applications with various examples.


Debugging in Ruby

4 Lessons

Walk through Ruby debugging techniques including console outputs, console debuggers, and IDE tools.


Ruby Version Manager

4 Lessons

Break apart Ruby Version Manager basics, semantic versioning, and handling multiple Ruby installations.


Testing Ruby Programs

3 Lessons

Break down the steps to test Ruby programs, ensuring functionality and code reliability.


Wrap Up!

1 Lessons

Take a look at continuous learning in mastering Ruby and future growth in programming.



2 Lessons

Simplify complex topics on Ruby environment setup and debugging with IDE tools.
Certificate of Completion
Showcase your accomplishment by sharing your certificate of completion.

Course Author:

Trusted by 2.6 million developers working at companies

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Instant Code Feedback

Evaluate and debug your code with the click of a button. Get real-time feedback on test cases, including time and space complexity of your solutions.

AI-Powered Mock Interviews

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