Adding Stairs to the Map
Learn how to define stairs and add stairs to map rendering and theming systems.
Staircases are a popular means of transport to deeper levels. Stairs can occupy a single tile, are relatively easy to render, and are intuitive.
Making and rendering staircases
Add a new Exit
entry in TileType
enumeration for the staircases to render staircases within our dungeon in
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]pub enum TileType {Wall,Floor,Exit}
The TileType
enum is matched in map_builder/
because themes need to know how to render every tile type. Add a match
branch to draw the downward staircases in map_builder/
impl MapTheme for DungeonTheme {fn tile_to_render(&self, tile_type: TileType) -> FontCharType {match tile_type {TileType::Floor => to_cp437('.'),TileType::Wall => to_cp437('#'),TileType::Exit => to_cp437('>'),}}}
The forest theme also needs to draw staircases, so make the same change in the forest renderer:
impl MapTheme for ForestTheme {fn tile_to_render(&self, tile_type: TileType) -> FontCharType {match tile_type {TileType::Floor => to_cp437(';'),TileType::Wall => to_cp437('"'),TileType::Exit => to_cp437('>'),}}}
Now that the game can render exit (staircase) tiles, it’s time to make them accessible to the adventurer, and perhaps the monsters too.
Update dungeon navigation
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