HomeCoursesIntermediate Redux with Redux Toolkit


6h 15min

Intermediate Redux with Redux Toolkit

Delve into Redux Toolkit to streamline Redux development with best practices. Gain insights into creating stores and reducers, and build TweetFind, a Twitter search app, for your portfolio.
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Learn Redux toolkit (RTK) which highlights the new redux best practices and the new standard of developing applications. With RTK, redux development is more efficient and easier to understand. Redux toolkit brings the much-needed simplicity you’ve longed for in your redux development. It has out-of-the-box support to handle common use cases such as creating the redux store, creating reducers, handling immutable update logic, and much more. At the end of the course, you will build tweetfind, a Twitter sear...Show More
Learn Redux toolkit (RTK) which highlights the new redux best practices and the new standard of developing applications. With RT...Show More


Learn redux toolkit
Learn redux modern practices
Learn how to handle async operations using redux toolkit
Learn to organise your application state into slices
Learn to simplify common complex redux setups with redux toolkit
Learn redux toolkit

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What is Redux Toolkit and Why Use it?

4 Lessons

Get familiar with Redux Toolkit to enhance state management efficiency and reduce boilerplate.


Challenge on Building Your First Redux toolkit Application

2 Lessons

Go hands-on with refactoring an app to Redux Toolkit, enhancing development efficiency.


Conclusion: Where to Go From Here

2 Lessons

Map out the steps for effective data fetching and testing in Redux applications.



5 Lessons

Investigate installing Redux Toolkit, feature-by-folder pattern, Redux Devtools, Chakra UI, and Twitter Developer access.
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