Challenge: Solution Review

This lesson will explain the solution to the problem from the previous coding challenge.

We'll cover the following...

Solution #

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class ReverseIterator {
constructor(elements) {
this.keys = Object.keys(elements)
this.index = this.keys.length - 1
this.elements = elements
hasprevElement() {
return this.index >=0
this.index = this.keys.length - 1
return this.elements[this.keys[this.index]]
if(this.index >= 0){
return this.elements[this.keys[--this.index]]
return null
function reverseIterate(items){
var iter = new ReverseIterator(items)
for(var i = iter.last();iter.hasprevElement(); i = iter.previous()){
reverseIterate({'name': 'Anne', 'age': '23', 'gender': 'Female', 'Occupation': 'Engineer'})