Challenge: Solution Review

This lesson will explain the solution to the problem from the previous coding challenge.

We'll cover the following...

Solution #

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class Inventory{
this.shampoosAmount = 20
this.conditionersAmount = 20
this.hairSerumsAmount = 1000
let available = true;
if(product.productName == "shampoo" && product.amount > this.shampoosAmount){
available = false
return available
else if(product.productName == "conditioner" && product.amount > this.conditionersAmount){
available = false
return available
else if(product.productName == "hair serum" && product.amount > this.hairSerumsAmount){
available = false
return available
return available
class BuyingProduct extends Inventory {
buyProduct(product) {
let order;
order = new BuyProduct()
order = new PreOrderProduct()
return order.showDetails(product)
class BuyProduct{
console.log(`${product.amount} bottles of ${product.productName} are available. Click on "buy" to purchase them.`)
class PreOrderProduct{
console.log(`${product.amount} bottles of ${product.productName} are not available. You can Pre-order them on the next page.`)
var customer = new BuyingProduct()
customer.buyProduct({productName: "shampoo", amount: 2})
customer.buyProduct({productName: "hair serum", amount: 2000})


Before we delve into the solution, let’s summarize what the challenge is. Here, ...