Kinds of Parallel Programming
Parallel programming has many uses, but a fully parallel program is not always feasible.
There are many flavors of parallel programming, some that are general and can be run on any hardware, and others that are specific to particular hardware architectures.
Two main paradigms we can talk about here are shared memory versus distributed memory models. In shared memory models, multiple processing units all have access to the same, shared memory space. This is the case on our desktop or laptop with multiple CPU cores. In a distributed memory model, multiple processing units each have their own memory store, and information is passed between them. This is the model that a networked
Types of parallel tasks
Broadly speaking we can separate a computation into two camps depending on how it can be parallelized. A so-called embarrassingly parallel problem is one for which it is dead easy to separate it into some number of independent tasks that then may be run in parallel.
Embarrassingly parallel problems
Embarrassingly parallel computational problems are the easiest to parallelize and we can achieve impressive speedups if we have a computer with many cores. Even if we have only two cores, we can get close to a two-times speedup. An example of an embarrassingly parallel problem is when we need to run a preprocessing pipeline on datasets collected for 15 subjects. Each subject’s data can be processed independently of the others. In other words, the computations involved in processing one subject’s data do not in any way depend on the results of the computations for processing some other subject’s data.
As an example, a grad student in our lab (Heather) figured out how to distribute her FSL preprocessing pipeline for 24 fMRI subjects across multiple cores on her Mac Pro desktop, and as a result what used to take about 48 hours to run, now takes “just” over 6 hours.
Serial problems
In contrast to embarrassingly parallel problems, there is a class of problems that cannot be split into independent sub-problems, we can call them inherently sequential or serial problems. For these types of problems, the computation at one stage does depend on the results of a computation at an earlier stage, and so it is not so easy to parallelize across independent processing units. In these kinds of problems, there’s a need for some communication or coordination between sub-tasks.
An example of a serial problem is a simulation of the movement of an arm. We run simulations of arm movements, like reaching, that use detailed mathematical models of muscle mechanics, activation dynamics, musculoskeletal dynamics and spinal reflexes. Differential equations govern the relationship between muscle stimulation (the input) and the resulting arm movement (the output). These equations are “unwrapped” in time by using a differential equations solver that takes small steps (like 1 millisecond at a time) to generate a simulation of a whole movement (like one second of simulated time). On each step, the current state of the system depends on both the current input (muscle command) and on the previous state of the system. With a 1 ms step, it takes (at least) 1000 computations to simulate a 1-second arm movement … but we cannot simply split up those 1000 computations and distribute them to a set of independent processing units. This is an inherently serial problem where the current computation cannot be carried out without the results of the previous computation.
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