

Passing Pointers to Struct

Passing Pointers to Struct

Let's look at a couple of ways that are used for handling structs using pointers.

We'll cover the following...

Pointer to a struct

Pointers can also be used to point to a struct. Here is how this would be done:

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
int year;
int month;
int day;
} date;
int main(void) {
date *today;
today = malloc(sizeof(date));
// the explicit way of accessing fields of our struct
(*today).day = 21;
(*today).month = 5;
(*today).year = 2024;
// the more readable shorthand way of doing it
today->day = 21;
today->month = 5;
today->year = 2024;
printf("The date is %d/%d/%d\n", today->day, today->month, today->year);
return 0;