Challenge 3: Implement a Banking Application Using Polymorphism

In this challenge, you have to implement a basic banking application by implementing the Account class along with two derived classes, SavingsAccount and CheckingAccount.

Problem Statement

Write a code that has:

  • A base class named Account.

    • Inside it define:
      • A field, private double _balance
      • A protected property, Balance, to access the balance
      • public virtual bool Withdraw(double amount)
      • public virtual bool Deposit(double amount)
      • public virtual void PrintBalance()
  • Then, there are two derived classes

    • SavingsAccount class has:

      • A private field _interestRate set to 0.8

      • An overridden Withdraw() method that deducts amount from balance with interestRate only if enough balance is available. The withdrawal amount should be greater than zero.

        • Returns true if the transaction was successful and false otherwise.
      • An overridden Deposit() method that adds amount to balance with interestRate and also checks if the amount to be deposited is greater than zero

        • Returns true if the transaction was successful and false otherwise.
      • PrintBalance() displays the balance in the account

    • CheckingAccount class has:

      • An overridden Withdraw() method that deducts amount from balance only if enough balance is available and the withdrawal amount should be greater than zero

        • Returns true if the transaction was successful and false otherwise.
      • An overridden Deposit() method that adds amount in balance and also checks if the amount to be deposited is greater than zero

        • Returns true if the transaction was successful and false otherwise.
      • PrintBalance() displays the balance in the account

For SavingsAccount:

WithdrawalFormula:Balance=Balance(amount+(amountinterestrate))Withdrawal Formula: Balance = Balance - (amount + (amount * interest rate))

DepositFormula:Balance=Balance+(amount+(amountinterestrate))Deposit Formula: Balance = Balance + (amount + (amount * interest rate))


  • In the Savings class, Balance is set to 5000 using the base() parametrized constructor
  • In the Current class, Balance is set to 5000 using the base() parametrized constructor


  • Balance before withdrawal from the savings account

  • Balance after withdrawal from the savings account

  • Balance before withdrawal from the current account

  • Balance after withdrawal from the current account

Sample Input

   Account SAccount = new SavingsAccount(5000);

   // creating saving account object


   // creating checking account object
   Account CAccount = new CheckingAccount(5000);


Sample Output

   The saving account balance is: 6800
   The saving account balance is: 1400

   The checking account balance is: 6000
   The checking account balance is: 3000

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