/Solution Review: Implement Banking Application Using Polymorphism
Solution Review: Implement Banking Application Using Polymorphism
This review provides a detailed analysis on how to solve the 'Implement a Banking Application Using Polymorphism' challenge.
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class Account {private double _balance;protected double Balance {get { return this._balance; }// Check before setting the balanceset { if(value>=0)this._balance = value;}}// Constructorpublic Account(double balance) {this.Balance = balance;}//Virtual Methodspublic virtual bool Deposit(double amount) {return false;}public virtual bool Withdraw(double amount) {return false;}public virtual void PrintBalance() {Console.WriteLine("The balance is: " + Balance);}}class SavingsAccount : Account {private double _interestRate;// Constructorpublic SavingsAccount(double balance): base(balance){ // It's always preferable to initialize fields inside a constructorthis._interestRate = 0.8;}// Overridden Methodspublic override bool Deposit(double amount) {if(amount > 0) { // Check if amount is non-zero and non-negative// Adding to balance with interest rateBalance += amount + (amount * this._interestRate);return true;}return false;}public override bool Withdraw(double amount) {if(amount > 0 && amount <= Balance) { // Check if amount is non-zero and less than equal to balance// Deducting from balance with interest rateBalance -= amount + (amount * this._interestRate);return true;}return false;}public override void PrintBalance() {Console.WriteLine("The saving account balance is: " + base.Balance);}}class CheckingAccount : Account{// Constructorpublic CheckingAccount(double balance): base(balance) { }// Overridden Methodspublic override bool Deposit(double amount) {if (amount > 0){Balance += amount;return true;}return false;}public override bool Withdraw(double amount) {if (amount > 0 && amount <= Balance){Balance -= amount;return true;}return false;}public override void PrintBalance() {Console.WriteLine("The checking account balance is: " + base.Balance);}}class Demo {public static void Main(string[] args) {Account SAccount = new SavingsAccount(5000);// Creating saving account objectSAccount.Deposit(1000);SAccount.PrintBalance();SAccount.Withdraw(3000);SAccount.PrintBalance();Console.WriteLine();// Creating checking account objectAccount CAccount = new CheckingAccount(5000);CAccount.Deposit(1000);CAccount.PrintBalance();CAccount.Withdraw(3000);CAccount.PrintBalance();}}