Built-In Data Types, Variables, Operators, Arithmetic Expressions

Learn the essentials of Java, including basic data types, variables, arithmetic operations, and string concatenation, with comparisons to Python.

This lesson will explain key data types, variables, operators, arithmetic expressions, and string concatenation in programming. Understanding these concepts is crucial for building and manipulating data in any programming language.

Built-in data types

In programming, data types define the nature of data that can be stored and manipulated. Common built-in data types include:


  • int in Java represents integer values.

  • Examples are 1, -5, 1000.


  • double in Java represents floating-point values (decimal numbers).

  • Examples are -0.5, 3.14, 10.0, 6.02223.


  • float in Java represents single-precision floating-point numbers, similar to double, but with less precision.

  • Examples include 3.5f, -1.25f, and, 1.0f.

In Python, the float data type is equivalent to double in Java, representing double-precision floating-point numbers.


  • char in Java represents represents single characters enclosed in single quotes.

  • Examples are 'a', 'X', '@', etc.

There is no equivalent of the char data type in Python.


Python is among the dynamic type languages. In a dynamically typed language, a variable could point to any sort of object at any time within the program. The interpreter will determine the type of the object when the variable is used.

In Java, variables are memory locations used to store data values that can change during a program’s execution. They act as placeholders for data and provide a way to access and manipulate information within a program.

Key points about variables in Java include:

  • Declaration: Variables must be declared before they can be used. This involves specifying the variable’s data type and name.

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