HomeCoursesMake Your Own Neural Network in Python



Make Your Own Neural Network in Python

Gain insights into building and optimizing neural networks in Python. Delve into fundamental concepts, mathematical explanations, and practical implementations to enhance your machine learning skills.
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Machine learning is one of the fastest growing fields, and we cannot emphasize enough about its importance. This course aims to teach one of the fundamental concepts of machine learning, i.e., Neural Network. You will learn the basic concepts of building a model as well as the mathematical explanation behind Neural Network and based on that; you will build one from scratch (in Python). You will also learn how to train and optimize your network to achieve a better result.
Machine learning is one of the fastest growing fields, and we cannot emphasize enough about its importance. This course aims to ...Show More




3 Lessons

Get familiar with AI's evolution, neural networks, and building your own in Python.


A Gentle Start with Python

7 Lessons

Simplify complex topics in Python, loops, functions, arrays, plotting, objects, and methods.


Some Suggested Improvements

4 Lessons

Unpack the core of optimizing neural network performance through learning rate, epochs, and structure adjustments.


Even More Fun!

4 Lessons

Examine neural networks' adaptability with personal handwriting, internal visualization, and data augmentation through rotations.



1 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of neural networks and their impact on AI advancements.


Appendix: A Small Guide to Calculus

9 Lessons

Dig into core calculus concepts and their applications in understanding variable changes.
Certificate of Completion
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