Important Variants

Understand the applications of basic graph algorithms in problem-solving.

Stack: depth-first

If we implement the “bag” using a stack, we recover our original depth-first search algorithm. Stacks support insertions (push) and deletions (pop) in O(1)O(1) time each, so the algorithm runs in O(V+E)O(V + E) time. The spanning tree formed by the parent edges is called a depth-first spanning tree. The exact shape of the tree depends on the start vertex and on the order that neighbors are visited inside the loop ((†, as explained in the algorithm in the previous lesson)), but in general, depth-first spanning trees are long and skinny. We will consider several important properties and applications of depth-first search later.

Queue: breadth-first

If we implement the “bag” using a queue, we get a different graph-traversal algorithm called breadth-first search. Queues support insertions (push) and deletions (pull) in O(1)O(1) time each, so the algorithm runs in O(V+E)O(V + E) time. In this case, the breadth-first spanning tree formed by the parent edges contains the shortest paths from the start vertex ss to every other vertex in its component; we will consider the shortest paths in detail later. Again, the exact shape of a breadth-first spanning tree depends on the start vertex and on the order that neighbors are visited in the for loop ()(†), but in general, breadth-first spanning trees are short and bushy.

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A depth-first spanning tree and a breadth-first spanning tree of the same graph, both starting at the center vertex
A depth-first spanning tree and a breadth-first spanning tree of the same graph, both starting at the center vertex

Priority queue: best-first

Finally, if we implement the “bag” using a priority queue, we get yet another family of algorithms called best-first search. Because the priority queue stores at most one copy of each edge, inserting an edge or extracting the minimum-priority edge requires O(logE)O(\log E) time, which implies that best-first search runs in O(V+ElogE)O(V + E\log E) time.

We describe best-first search as a “family of algorithms” rather than a single algorithm because there are different methods to assign priorities to the edges, and these choices lead to different algorithmic behavior. We’ll describe three well-known variants below, but there are many others. In all three examples, we assume that every edge uvuv or uvu\rightarrow v in the input graph has a non-negative weight w(uv)w(uv) or w(uv).w(u\rightarrow v).

First, if the input graph is undirected and we use the weight of each edge as its priority, best-first search constructs the minimum spanning tree of the component of ss. Surprisingly, as long as all the edge weights are distinct, the resulting tree does not depend on the start vertex or the order that neighbors are visited; in this case, the minimum spanning tree is actually unique. This instantiation of best-first search is commonly (but, as usual, incorrectly) known as Prim’s algorithm; we’ll discuss this and other minimum spanning trees in more detail later.

The algorithm runs as follows. Define the length of a path to be the sum of the weights of its edges. We can also compute shortest paths in weighted graphs using best-first search, as follows. Every marked vertex vv stores a distance dist(v)dist(v). Initially, we set dist(s)=0dist(s) = 0. For every other vertex vv, when we set parent(v)pparent(v) ← p, we also set dist(v)dist(p)+w(pv)dist(v) ← dist(p) + w(p\rightarrow v), and when we insert the edge vwv\rightarrow w ...

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