

Solution: Basic Graph Algorithms

Solution: Basic Graph Algorithms

Solution to the problem related to basic graph algorithms.

Let's practice what we have learned so far.


There are nn galaxies connected by mm intergalactic teleport-ways. Each teleport-way joins two galaxies and can be traversed in both directions. Also, each teleport-way ee has an associated cost of c(e)c(e) dollars, where c(e)c(e) is a positive integer. A teleport-way can be used multiple times, but the toll must be paid every time it is used. Judy wants to travel from galaxy ss to galaxy tt, but teleportation is not very pleasant and she would like to minimize the number of times she needs to teleport. However, she wants the total cost to be a multiple of five dollars, because carrying small change is not pleasant either.

Analyze the given algorithm to compute the smallest number of times Judy needs to teleport to travel from galaxy ss to galaxy tt so that the total cost is a multiple of five dollars.

Logic building

To find the smallest number of times Judy needs to teleport from galaxy ss to galaxy tt, so that the total cost is a multiple of five dollars, we can use a modified version of the Dijkstra’s algorithm. We will use tuple(cost,count)tuple (cost, count) to store the cost of teleporting and the count of teleports. The cost will be stored as a pair of integers: the cost modulo 5 and the actual cost.


  • Create a dictionary distdist to store the minimum teleport count and cost for each galaxy. Initialize the distance from ss to itself as (0,0)(0, 0) and the distance to all other galaxies as (float(inf),float(inf))float('inf'), float('inf'))